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Chrysoplectrum Watson, 1893

Lobocla Moore, 1884

Codatractus Lindsey, 1921

Ridens Evans, 1952

Urbanus Hübner, 1807

【シロフチオナガセセリ*】Urbanus doryssus doryssus (Swainson, 1831) ♂(表・裏)
エクアドル Ecuador 前翅長 20mm

Astraptes Hübner, 1819

Narcosius Steinhauser, 1819

Calliades Mabille & Boullet, 1912

Autochton Hübner, 1823

Achalarus Scudder, 1872

Thessia Steinhauser, 1989

■ウンモンセセリ属(Thorybes Scudder, 1872)

【ウンモンセセリ】Thorybes pylades pylades (Scudder, 1870) ♂(表・裏)
 アメリカ合衆国(アリゾナ州) Arizona, USA 前翅長 19mm

Cabares Godman & Salvin, 1894

Spathilepia Butler, 1870

Oechydrus Watson, 1893

Ectomis Mabille, 1878

Nerula Mabille, 1888

Marela Mabille, 1903

Cogia Butler, 1870

Paracogia Mielke, 1977


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  1. Warren, Andrew D., Ogawa and Brower. 2009. Revised classification of the family Hesperiidae (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea) based on combined molecular and morphological data, Systematic Entomology 34: 467-523.
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